The dogs of Codiponte...
My Dog, The Croesus-person… AKA Adriano, Puppy, the Dog, and the often used, Come Here!… does have himself a reputation. A bad one. He’s considered to be A LARGE DOG by folk here in Codiponte. Thus, an animal to fear. Mostly though, his reputation is cemented as a notorious Kat Killer. It was highly traumatic. Imagine it was for the kats too. Officially, the Dog, has killed two kats. I cannot divulge any further information on the topic. Prudence dictates I do not. Never know who’s reading this blog.
To forestall any further disgraces with kats or, to have local women erroneously screaming Pitttbuuulllll!!! upon sight of Il Mio Cangolino Adorato… many habitue’ of the Italian House Blog know of The Croesus-person’s exalted pure blooded Weimaraner pedigree. Screaming Pitbull at the top of one’s lungs just demonstrates Ignorance… and to stem calls from You for Reflection & Repentance regarding Kat Kills, we have put in a solid perimeter fence all around il Poggiolo’s garden. No escape. Twice a day, I carpool the Dog in my beat-up SUV to points far removed from our village of Codiponte. To avoid the watchful eyes of our neighbour citizens, many of whom are tremendously prejudiced against our pure-breed Weimaraner and his multi-infractions, though n’er they speak a contrary word against those of their canines… Mutts, You!!! They are all mutts!!!… let loose to carouse our community such as, pooh-poohing on our newly installed pavements, mangled carcasses of animals of unknown provenance left to rot along our local by-ways, and the continual rummaging through & spreading of trash around Codiponte’s several Trash HQ’s. No, but as it happens, The Dog & I are unmolested, free, unencumbered and, alone to enjoy the solitary comforts & beauties of the woods around our corner of the Lunigiana. Here is a sampling…
To see more of my landscape photography, click here for the latest landscapes at and/or click here for those posted on Instagram at forrestspears.
Now for the carpooling video…
So much for that.
The Croesus-person just has it in for kats. No one’s fault. Mother Nature’s. Yeah, let’s blame it on Her. It is the Dog’s only flaw, in my mind. Otherwise, he is an intelligent canine, an affectionate companion, COMES WHEN HE IS CALLED!!! and he will eventually learn not to take up all the roooms on my antique bed from 1820. Oh! And then, what is not to love, as he willingly frolics with his Best Buddy, Leo, who lives up in the Borgo Castello? A few action shots…
How about the video?…
Despite the Dog’s ill repute, his is NOT a bully. That distinction belongs to this black mutt belonging to a couple, friends of ours, who live up in the Borgo Castello. Their dog is a terror. No wonder. His name in English is Growl. I have included a quick sketch in case he happens upon you getting out of your car at the Borgo Castello Parking Lot. I posted four pics. Don’t want anyone to forget his face and memorisation can be of help…
And he does, growl, liberally, at Dog and Man. Without bias.
He’ll hear me walking to dump our trash in the containers at the parking lot of Borgo Castello and in 60 seconds he’s down yapping at my feet to… go… away… now. And, he doesn’t let up until I do. How rude. And, so annoying. We all here in Codiponte share in this menace. Passing by Codiponte’s piazzetta one afternoon, there was Growl, barking away at the old men & kids out for a bit of fresco under the poplar trees during our incessant heat wave of June, July and August. Said dog was stationed in the middle baring everyone’s way. Then, he trotted off. A grumpy old man dog. Poor thing. He’s flea bitten, bow-legged, nearly toothless… what Joy! to know the worse he could inflict is to slobber or gnawed you… and he has never recovered from the attack of the mange from a couple of years ago. His only occupation is to tour the village and growl and bark at what disturbs him. Lots on that score from the noise he makes. Master of all he passes, apparently. Then, home to probably growl at gechi. By now, I know the territory he’s covered by the rusty red of his bio-donations hither & yon. Mine’s is dark brown.
The Croesus-person cries on two accounts… there’s a female dog in-heat in the vicinity or, Growl is lurking somewhere. The hair on my Dog’s back rises, he frets and then speed pees on every single green thing and car tire available. Then, he wants to get away by jumping into the back seat of my beat-up SUV. My Dog cried terrorised when I played this video a minute ago…
The Croesus-person’s buddy, Leo, is so afraid of Growl, he runs off and as far away as possible too. His master has to drive around & around looking for him. Leo was lately found running with his tail between his legs along the shoulders of the dangerous SR 445 highway, which passes through Codiponte. He was nearly five kilometres from his home. Poor thing. He could’ve been side-swiped by a pedal to the metal female driver in her late model FIAT 500 speeding to meet her fidanzato.
We have Happy News… Growl is now in quarantine. Not from Covid-19 but, on account of Leo’s fear. Being locked up, however, doesn’t stop him from barking or, growling from his perch on the small terrace of his masters’ house. The Croesus-person still cries though I try to tell him he’s safe from Growl. It’s a video, Croesus.
Dog spots...
Sad news…
Our Dear Weimaraner, Nina-beena, passed away during the night of January 12th after a short battle with a tumor. Back in June of last year, I carried Nina-beena to Our Vet, Vittorio, as she was descending into coma. He immediately set to revive and stabilize her. Then, an MRI exam proved small nodules… tiny tumors… were rife throughout her stomach cavity. This was a horrifying repeat with Our First Weimaraner, Moses. We had to put him to sleep in the Fall of 2016. Did you know dogs can suffer dementia, Alzheimer’s? Yep, they can. And the later was what was going to do a lot of harm to Our Dear Moses. His diseased brain would forget to pump the heart and lungs. Our Vet alerted me to the fact that animals… and people too… do not die directly from tumors. Death comes from other causes. For Dear, Sweet, Beautiful, Nina-beena, died of a heart-attack while sleeping.
I buried her Monday morning on the Scenic Overlook in the garden of il Poggiolo, right next to her brother, Moses. Those two canine accomplices will have an eternally fantastic view of the Commie House or, at least until the Commie place slides down the mount after a hard bout of rain or, persons who have bought il Poggiolo out from Our Old Age decide to put in a swimming pool on that very Dog Spot. There’s a surprise awaiting them. Bones and IKEA micro-fiber blankets. Nina-beena and Moses are in hallowed ground. It’s where both liked to sunbathe while I assaulted the garden. (That verb is not mine but, You’s. I prefer gardening.)
The Dogs had other special spots, inside and out. Il Poggiolo, its three residences and the terraced garden, is defined by their habits, pleasures… and disgraces. Layered on top or, neighboring to those of the Human Beings who pass through the gates of Il Poggiolo.
In my current grief, I took a short photographic tour of Dog Spots at il Poggiolo. The Two Deceased Dog’s conspicuous absence was noted…
You & I bought a Weimaraner puppy… strangely enough from a woman who lives around the corner from Codiponte in Equi Terme… at Christmas 2017 to keep Nina-beena company. Croesus…. AKA The Croesus-person (yes, a mouthful but simple Croesus is nearly impossible for folk to A) remember or B) pronounce) or, Puppy… turned out to be quite more than the elixir we had imagined for Our Little GIrl. But, he adored his older sister. The Croesus-person is now grieving too though he witnessed Nina-beena’s death & burial LIVE. Hard for him to understand why she did not growl or, nip at him as he played with Nina-beena’s paw as she laid in the cart. He keeps his lone vigil in a spot he shares with his canine brethren. Bless him.
The Croesus-person on the long black sofa in la Casetta, a dog spot enjoyed by one and all.