The shock of my life...
Archive post March 23, 2010…
Naturally, photos do not do any Justice…
Maybe you had to be there, when I walked in to see a yucky candy wrapper Blue-Green paint on my newly stucco-ed walls of La Casetta, I knew… instantaneously… it was NOT Our Signature Sage Color I had spent so many Euro’s on various paint candidates to find just the RIGHT SAGE GREEN for Mr. You-know-who.
I called the Painter but, my cellphone conveniently was out of juice, refusing every attempt to be kick-started too. I then called Our Geometra, however, he wasn’t available either. So, I corralled Our Builder, handily present to offer any criticism, and he said… Non e’ giusto. A man of few words, is Our Builder. He then left me to gaze at the horror. Finally, while soothing my worried color sense on a piping hot plate of gnocchi & funghi at my favourite local trattoria, Our Geometra called to tell me that that sickening Blue-Green was only the primer coat. WHEW!!! Crisis averted. Gads.
You can see the difference between the wall as I found it today in the left-hand photo and The Correct Sage Green in the photo on the right. Sadly, the colors look a bit off-kilter in the photos from any Real Life impression, with much thanks to the rainy day outside and its waining & wavering light. But, the Sage Green on the right IS You’s Signature Sage Color.