Landscape photography Forrest Spears Landscape photography Forrest Spears

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Archive post February 14, 2019…

Back when You & I first got hooked up… actually, You courted me for a year and until I relented on the 11th of November 1998!!!… and had thought to nest, we canvased the Mediterranean coastline from Nice to back to Genoa for a place to plant our roots. Figured out after the exhausting exercise to find a paradise to locate to that, at the end of the day, You is Genoese and in Genoa he needs to be. Before that realisation hit and somewhere in the mountainous wilderness above San Remo… famous for flowers and the song festival just completed. A kid, Mahmood, won. The victory of an Italianized Muslim infuriated the Italian Northern League’s bully boss, Salvini. Good… You & I surveyed the views from upon high. Roberto staring out at the infiniteness of the Mediterranean Sea. Cats purr. You sighs. How can nearly nothingness inspire evena sigh. A mystery. Whereas my eyes were anchored at the majesty of the Apennines towering in the distance, graced by rolling hills of orchards, vineyards, a possible 2,000 sq. ft. re-do. You the sea, me the land. I should have known what that meant. I’m slow with The Math but, I do get the computation down… eventually. Mr. Sea to Mr Landscape. Mr. Stuff to Mr. Essential. Mr. Ironic… which I think is a total waste of time… to Mr Sarcastic… because sarcasm make you laugh out loud. Irony just make you cough. Etc. Etc. Etc.

Years later, I am socked with the shenanigans of two very spoiled Weimaraners and a 2,500 sq. ft Tuscan farm-house, il Poggiolo a Codiponte. They need to be run, wild as they are. Can’t do that at il Poggiolo. So, I let them terrorise Nature and I photograph it, mostly in the opposite direction. Lunigiana at its best.

The dog fence was finished tonight at sunset. Not the best for photography. A later post. In the meantime, enjoy the photographic fruits of my early morning safaris with the animals…

Not bad, eh?

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