Gardens Forrest Spears Gardens Forrest Spears

A rainy day tour of the garden...

Archive post February 1, 2019…

Reports were for snow this weekend. Snowed for about 30 seconds yesterday morning. Left a light frosting of white on cars and along the sides of roads. Lasted all of 30 minutes. Temps had dropped. That changed. A few degrees up the thermometer and so long white . It’s raining today. Nice to be inside, warm & cozy. Dogs have already skipped their Noon-day walk.

You is on is way down to Codiponte. Raised the thermostat to 18C from 14C. Meester Freddoloso. His arrival also has meant a quick house cleaning. One item of several on the list was to dump the fireplace’s ash-bucket as fertiliser on our garden’s flora. In the rain. Puppy-dog was ecstatic for the adventure. T’was a hasty tour…

It is only my opinion but, I find our garden beautiful in the winter. Impression of an ever-lasting forever.

There’s a risk of a boring exercise here with this blog. Not sure, but I believe every year I post articles & photos on the four yearly passages of our garden at il Poggiolo… Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. Could be translated to… Prune to Bud, Verdant Union, Burnt Siena Foliage and Dormant Beauty. And some other stuff in between. This is very Italian. The Italians are many things, layers of contrasting, often chaotic elements yet, they are endearingly consistent. They are a seasonal people. Italians anticipate Life’s stages… births, communions, marriages and deaths. Rather corresponds to those yearly stages. Perhaps then, reflecting, it might not be a boring exercise. Could be more a steady, consistent calendar of seasonal occurrences, events and happenings at our 800 year old Tuscan farm-house and its garden posted with happy regularity at Italian House Blog.

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