Day 53: The Lockdown Masquerade 2020...
Yes, and gosh, here I am at my personal Day 77 Lockdown Codiponte. How time flies when one is locked-down. I haven’t seen You in 67 days or, 9.53 weeks. Absence makes the heart grow fonder? I believe so, though I have hardly had any time to notice, what with the number of telephone calls & Whatsapp messages from him. And, we will have to bear the separation as best we can for another 31 days or, 4 weeks. The Dog is thoroughly worn-out from my discussions substituting for the absent Dottore You. The exhausted canine naps elsewhere.
Passing quickly onto the Weather: cloudy, cool and there’s an infinitesimally fine spray today, Thursday, the last day of April and a day before May Day. What are people going to be able to do tomorrow to celebrate the holiday during a Global pandemic? Socialisms has been switched to Social Distancing. Not quite what was originally intended but then, who knew? And a parade of masked & gloved folk would be a no-no, unless there’s only family members… in Italy.
I have made light of You’s constant tele-communications but, his and those too of the masked folk of family & friends below have been A MAFOR MORALE BOOSTER!!! for this COVID-19 shut-in Codiponte, Tuscany, Italy. To thank them… one and all… for their constant messages, calls, emails, videos and cartoons, here below is…
Lockdown Masquerade 2020!!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you… grazie, grazie, grazie!!!