Continuing Driving School Stories...
Right after my 71st Birthday on the 7th of September, my Autoscuola Fivizzanese World changed. It flip-flopped. Happened on the 15th of the same month. I should’ve known. How long have I lived here in Italy? You don’t have to answer. I certainly ought to have acted like an Italian, even a semi-Italian one…
When the New Year’s calendars come out towards the end of November or, during the month of December as Christmas gifts, Italians race through them to check where the important dates fall for the coming New Year. Seeking confirmation of any long weekends ahead with a well placed holiday on a Thursday or, a Tuesday. Option B would be to have them fall on a Friday or, a Monday. Here’s the list: not in much order but, you’ll get the gist. Please, read on…
naturally, we have the festive religious holiday of Christmas on the 25th of December; Easter is anywhere within the arch of March-April. Who knows? Da’ Moon do. A fickle holiday. Crappy weather usually but, artichokes are in season. Yippee!; the 31st of December brings us to that horrendous amateur night of Il Capodanno… New Year’s Eve. Even Codiponte goes wild with fireworks at Midnight and after interminable dinners. I have videos to prove both; Epiphany falls on the 6th of January and is a boon to any witches wanting employment by carrying hemp sacks full of treats for The Good and pieces of coal for The Bad. They’re heavy. I have a hunch the coal is supposed to be heavier but, I suspect otherwise. Anyway, I think La Befana… or, witch… is a scary personality. Ugly too. Bad teeth. We make someone dress-up in a cute though heavy Red felt outfit with a hot, itchy White beard attached to the face of the substitute Santa Klaus. The Italians make some female relative dress-up in a Black dress with blackened teeth, scuff-marks on her face and noisy clogs on her feet… with the hemp sack dragged close behind. You can choose which to have come to your Front Door; the 25th of April is Liberation Day… from the Nazi’s. From themselves is never in question; quickly follows the Commie Holiday, May Day, on the 1st of May. Red is the predominant colour for demonstrators crowding piazza’s to hear inspiring speeches about labour. Invigorating; June 2nd is the holiday to commemorate the founding of the NEW! NEW!! NEW!!! Italian Republic… after the previously mentioned Referendum of 1946. Am unsure just how many re-foundings Italy has had to suffer, since its first birthing back in 1861. The number of governments from 1946 is dizzying and does not lend an air of certainty to the country’s political History; the last three holidays can make for a really long holiday weekend… about every 10 years. Just this year, in fact, You was in Codiponte for an astounding 11 days of vacation, thanks to the distribution of April 25th, May Day, and June 2nd on the 2023 calendar; Assumption, on the 15th of August, is The Summer Holiday of Italy… a clarion call… TO THE BEACH, RAGAZZI!!!… when, actually, it is a religious holiday. Yes, to celebrate The Virgin Mary’s safe arrival in Heaven, greeted by a number of Very Important Persons waiting at its gates… God at the head of the reception line… and one terribly beaten-up son, poor man, and now god too; All Saints Day, on November 1st, which is paired with the Day of the Dead on the day after, when Italians, en masse, hit their local cemeteries in their FIATS to spiff-up the tombs and lay wreaths & vases of flowers for those dearly departed; and finally, the dates & days of the week for the closing of schools in June… usually on the 12th, and even if it falls on a Monday, and their re-opening… normally on the 15th of September. Ecco. And here we are!
I did not consult a calendar. I don’t own one. So, I was caught off-guard with Baldo’s Public Announcement of NO CLASSES at the 10:00AM hour, because of the start of the New Academic School Year. Ugh.
From that moment on, Autoscuola classes would only be at 3:00PM and 5:00PM. Disorientating! Distressing!! Dangerous!!! Oh, not so much for the class at 3:00PM. Who’s out at that hour anyway except Scandinavians and some wayward group of English persons, drunk after a cheap lunch? And around 3:00PM is about the time most Italian folk slowly realise they have to head back to work after la loro pausa pranzo... their lunch break… at home. But the 5:00PM is when the Carabinieri rustle themselves from a nap after a 4 course pranzo nella caserma or, for the younger agents, the gym, to start again their daily routines of patrols, road blocks, and cruising the surrounding land, keeping Italy safe, in their JEEPS. A FIAT product well supported by the Italian Civil Protection forces, I might add. Well, the Guardia di Finanza drive military Green FIAT Pandas. A lesser governmental agency. Thank God, the Carabinieri JEEPS are painted in a their signature Blue and have Red lights on the roofs. Easily identified from a distance. There are so many JEEPS on the roads these days. The Italian People are big supporters of FIAT products too.
Last week was especially perilous for your Hero… io! No classes at the 3 o’clock hour. Baldo had to escort several 18 year olds, candidates to take The Qwtz, to Massa. Not at all a convenient location for us residing in the Lunigiana. An hour and a half in a car going and an hour and a half coming back. Possibly grim in either direction. Or, grim going and elation coming back. About the same amount of time as to fly to Paris from Pisa’s airport. So, class was only at 5:00PM. Wonderful. I ran into two separate JEEP patrols keeping a watch… for guess who? I feared… and on the multiple back-of-beyond roads I must traverse to reach Fivizzano safe & sound. I did, thanks to seeing the Carabinieri first and a couple of fortuitous sides streets I could scoot down to avoid detection until a Safe Harbour of a parking space was found far away from circulating officers.
An additional note…
The corner bar is less interesting a spot at 2:45PM. A) no one is around. Maybe leaves tumbling in the breeze but, that’s about it; B) the afternoon sun shines directly into its Black & White tiled inner sanctum. I go anyway. C) No cute gals or Bar-guy. I am not that sad. Their Pink & Yellow-nesses are elsewhere. They can have a life. There are others I can flirt with. D) and this is on the plus side, there’s instead a buff-looking motorcycle fellow as The Bar Man during the afternoon & evenings until 8:00PM, at least. Formidable bicycle-bar moustache. Twirled ends. Bravo, man! Oddly though, his gentle manner is similar to a moderator of a kid’s cartoon show. Could be weird.
Other comments on driving class…
I have noticed Baldo sits more during the afternoon sessions. He has the weirdest executive chair. I forgot to mention it, in conjunction with the brief description of his desk… post-apocalyptic Vintage. I apologise. Baldo’s swivel chair smacks of theft, from the Klingons. Outer-space junk dealers? Doesn’t he know about them? Mean mamma-jammas. Risky. Very. Extremely so. They NEVER forget a slight. Just ask Captain Kirk. The recliner… or, rocker… which is in stark contrast to the desk under the cultural heading of Style… has a high back with strangely placed and lateral triangular holes… pass-throughs for cigarettes?… faced in a dead Red faux leather. The rest is in an equally dead greenish-Grey faux leather. Oh, hark! Excellent News though: Baldo can still bounce completely seated. Praise the Lord! Otherwise, I might fall asleep from Rules & Regulations of the Road lecture fatigue, if it were not for the chair’s bungees squeaking.
And, shocks of all shocks to date, Baldo has taken to wearing long panted jeans. Well, of course. The heat of Summer has been sent back to Africa… and God Bless!!!.. and has been replaced by the pleasant and much cooler temps of pre-Fall. Baldo looks less bouncy in them, however. He must have several pairs too. Sports a variety of ripped and torn ones. A few have appliques! And, he does tend towards the faded Blue cotton jean over the more sober Dark Blue. Do any of you know from where jeans originally hail from? I do and I am not telling. In the past, no one believed me or, bothered to listen to my rendition of the History of Jeans, which I still find fascinating. I stopped. Tough. You’ll have to Google it.
As for Baldo’s lectures…
I have detected a general procedure, now that I have trudged through about 12 or so lessons. Sadly, there are many more to go. The lecture’s structure reminds me a bit of the songs from Italy’s San Remo Song Festival held every year in the middle of February. A week long event.
I’ve done my time watching this event. Years & years of trying. It’s a marathon, requiring two elements essential to Italy… one is A Christian Virtue: great amounts of Patience… and there you have it; and the other is even larger quantities of physical &. mental Fortitude. That could be a plural. The show starts at 9:15PM… after the News on RAI3 and innumerable ads for tomato sauce, toothpaste, feminine hygiene, and that kind of stuff… and it rolls along until and often past 1:00AM in the morning. And on School Nights too!!! I’ve given up. Lack the stamina to be attentive to an exercise involving repetitive and ill-conceived songs performed by famous and not so famous Italian singers got to be too much. There is TEMPTATION: the thrill to see what the singers & musicians wear for their performances, interviews and parades. A glorious confirmation of the Italian bravura for fashion, bar none. Well, may be the French… mais ils sont tellement pleins d’eux-memes. The majority of the songs try to remain within the formula discovered from previous year’s winners of the Festival, and yet, escape them too. All start out quietly yet by the end, the singers are often bellowing until they drift off as the heavily-miked orchestra ceases to make a noise. They bow and leave the stage.. Next? Let’s review Baldo’s rendition… hope it’s not going to be repetitive…
1) he bounces in & out of the classroom, not uttering a word, turning lights & things on, surveying the surroundings, the students, sniffing the air for the receptivity to Driver Education.
2) He then sits down, counts heads, takes off his glasses, rubs his eyes, demonstrates a static position in his recliner. Meditating?
3) Baldo starts. Quietly, calmly, steadily. His voice throaty from constant cigarettes, eyeing his audience directly as he speaks. He explains what’s in store for our hour and a half lecture: the why’s, the how much’s, the when’s, etc. He builds authority with his stream of softly cadenced words. I feel Baldo’s ambition is to engage us so thoroughly to a particularity of the Rules & Regulations of the Road that he will gain entrance to some recess of our cerebral cortex without either a fight or, our falling into abject boredom with the necessary info. Ecco! Baldo proposes Le Distanze di Sicurrezze… or, the Driving Safety Distances. A meaty subject. Requires graphs & pictograms, sketched out on The Big White Drawing Board for our kind edification. Baldo continues. His voice gains power. For instance, it is important for us to understand how many meters you need in order to stop your car before it slams into and totally flattens the proceeding FIAT with an elderly couple heading to the supermercato on an autostrada, and when both automobiles are travelling at the same 90 k/hr. Hold on! Come to think of it, I maybe wrong here: I am not sure the elderly’s FIATs can break even 80 k/hr. Theirs is probably an old FIAT Panda 4x4 too. Has difficulty just starting in the morning. Maybe we are on una strada extra-urbane secondaria… a secondary road in the Italian countryside. Yeah, that’s it!
4) Anyway, Baldo explains…
Le Distanze di Sicurrezza has 3 vital components: 1) lo Spazio Reazione or, S.R… the time which eats the distance while reacting, ie taking your foot and putting it to the brake pedal of your vehicle… ASAP; added to 2) lo Spazio Frenatura or, S.F… the time it takes the brakes of your automobile to do their God-intended Job, ie STOP THE CAR… in the remaining distance to avoid vehicular catastrophe; equals the summary of 3) La Distanza Totale di Arresto or, D.T.A… the proverbial & cumulative figure when combining the two previous acronyms into one silly sounding one. Hopefully, knowing these actions will actually save everyone’s Life. What’s missing… in my view, and I believe it might be a more crucial component, is: il Tempo di Calcolare Molto Bene la D.T.A… or, T.C.M.B.D.T.A. Let us also not overlook il Quoziente di Stress or, Q.S… necessary for you to concentrate on calculating the above distance stuff whilst your car speeds a pace to send that FIAT into an alternative Time-Space Continuum. But neither are elaborated by Baldo. Guess it’s the moment to move on…
All the acronyms, pictographs and tables described by Baldo are a verbal & graphic distillation of a situation… just one of about a ga-zillion in the 278 page Rules & Regulations of the Road manual presented to us during the course of our Driving School education… to convey The Essential Tidbit, which we, as students, must take home and bury in a convenient location for future reference, ie for when we sit down to take the Qwtz.
The Math in the above example provokes a queasy stomach. I usually don’t eat breakfast so, my juices, subjected to the above explanations, were anxiously looking for something other than my stomach lining to feed on. Was that too graphic? Sorry. I also feel psychologically upset. Weak. I HATE MATH! Had the same reaction in the Third Grade. I may be safe in stating that I doubt anyone else in the classroom noticed my Paler than Pale countenance. Feeling their own unsettling sensations, I would imagine. Maybe not. They’re 18 year olds. Made of heartier stuff… I hope…
5) Baldo proceeds apace and with a new senses of urgency. He says there are deeper intricacies to Our Topic of the Day. What? More to memorise? Jesus! It’s not all as it seems, Baldo adds. I want to know where are the appropriate street signs? Wouldn’t that be useful? What’s another 10 or 20 when there are already 1,000? Baldo continues. We are now an audience to a more impassioned performance. His voice has a tinge of importance, of seriousness, perhaps, even of alarm. Gird our loins? The switch is somewhat akin to accidentally missing your turn and then you find that you are not in Kansas any longer. The tenor of Baldo’s voice develops a certain and higher altitude of coloratura, comes into a more definite resonance… HE’S LOUDER!!!!… embarking upon a sort of a mental deep muscle tissue massage… by the way, do those hurt?… to communicate to us, his students, the new elements necessary for fully understanding Le Distanze di Sicurezza. However, it is evident that he’s no longer on that strada! I sense Baldo has chucked the lecture aside. Maybe into la Corsia di Soccorso? He commences to interrogate us with questions sulle Distanze di Sicurrezze and taken directly from The Qwtz. Heaven help us! Each question is launched to a different student. Oh, Lord, no! Baldo bounds over to the Big White Drawing Board, scribbles a quick pic, and then, turns to ask some unlucky kid… or me!!!… what is the correct answer to the situation drawn? Students fall by the wayside with WRONG answers. Help, please! Each failure brings him ever closer to me. I attempt to look small and hide behind the girl’s locks in the chair between me and Baldo at his desk. No easy feat. I want to be prepared… for any eventuality, yet, I can barely keep up with translating Italian driving terms unknown to me, copying a quick-pic to figure it out and, contemporarily, stem the desire to pass-out. Throwing-up is not a viable option though there’s that too. Suddenly, Baldo veers off. Ceases his inquiry with the girl in front of me. I’M SAVED!!! Bless her. I will go and light a candle in the nearest church for her. I swear. She had answered correctly the Qwtz Qwesteeeon and that, apparently, stemmed any further interest Baldo had in interrogating the class. Now what?
6) Baldo’s voice drops. Precipitously. Cool, determined, distinct. Sweat beads upon his brow. His long jeans go limp… limper… limpest. Fatigue? Where’s Baldo going, I wonder? Well, he sits down for one thing. Takes his glasses off, rubs his eyes, bounces a bit in his rocker, breathes, looks up at the clock on the wall opposite. I hit my iPhone to check the time too. Says we are nearly at the end of class. I breath an enormous sigh of relief… that’s E.S.F. Then, slowly, Baldo raises his head and says… If you are going to remember one thing about Le Distanze di Sicurrezze, then, for the love of God, remember this…
and he then summarily throws out the S.R, the S.F. = D.T.A which I understood but hated to calculate and gives us…
another ACRONYM!!! In my shock… and mental exhaustion, fear, other… I miss it. I MISSED IT!!! G.D.M.F.S.O.B.!!!
Gosh, that felt good.
Now that I am at home, in the quiet, safety and tranquility of my home… our charming Tuscan farm-house currently in need of minor repairs after 14 years… sipping a very chilly White wine from the Versilia region of Italy, I cannot consciously supply you with deciphering my just furnished acronym written above. It’s translation is heavy, vulgar, terribly impolite. Oh, Hell! Let's throw in rude too. Learning what it means may cause you to think ill of me. I do not want that. I can say, sadly, it was written with Vengeance in My Heart. I’m a Southerner and our hearts are built that way. It’s what caused a Civil War. However, and with all due certainty, I can tell you, as a Helpful Hint, it happens to contain most of the popular American swear words and when spoken… in vengeance, spite, irritability, other… it rolls real nice & easy off the tongue. A very good American friend taught it to me years ago … when I had trespassed beyond what she considered to be Good Gentlemanly Behaviour, and it has remained with me ever since. Please accept my sincerest apologies.
So, like those crazed scientists seeking at all costs… in the billion-trillions $$$s category at several prestigious locations of Higher Learning in the Good Ol’ United States of America and elsewhere throughout the World, who have sought a singular, all-mighty packed formula to explain everything. That may have to be written as EVERYTHING… so too does this happen with the Rules & Regulations of the Road at the Autoscuola Fivizzanese. And I missed it. Damn-it.
Now, if you will excuse me, I want to get on sipping my chilly White wine. What did Scarlet say? Tomorrow’s another day! Sure is… I hope…