iPadness… 6 artwork themes for pieces in an art show held at Studio Marazzani in Milan, Italy on October 6, 2023.

1. Famous Artists… an AI-like mixed media set of collages playing with the traces from works from art history.


2. Homage to Goya/People… visual details set with the utmost simplicity. I have sough to jazz that tendency up as my reaction to one of the most extraordinary artists ever. Beyond great.


3. More of Goya/Trees… portraits can be of anything, merely a manner of focusing upon how one animate object can be represented. Why not plant life?


4. Wonky Horses… the original intention was to imagine a horse without resorting to looking at a picture of one. And, not coverup the mistakes but letting them have a life of their own too.


5 - Water Games… AI-like mixed media collages involing some expression of water… oceans, lakes, waterfalls.


6 - Streaming Mysteries… moods, presentiments, a few clues of actions already committed.


Recent iPad artwork…

Vacation VIgnettes… AI-like mixed-media collages of possible tourist spots in Europe.


Enigmatic Assemblies… AI=like mixed media collages of possible visual non sequiturs.


Mysterious Simplicities… a continuation of iPadness Streaming Mysteries.


Funville… AI-like mixed media collages of what? Fun, amusement, naughtiness, of course.


Wonky figures… how to capture a figure, let me count the ways. A few attempts.


Resisting Abstraction… artful scribbles in various guises.


Remnants of Goya… my knock-offs of concocted portraits of imagined persons alla Goya.


More of Goya… ditto but with now trees. Perhaps, a necessary subject matter these days.


Bucolic settings… my visual version of an Ode to a Grecian Urn, substituting the urn with columns or boulders.


Can’t get enough of Wonky Horses from iPadness?…


Weird portraits… the ambiguity can by beguiling just in their movement over usual details.


Sweeps… combination of serendipity and a slip of the digital eraser.


Instagram iPad posts… 2023


Please note: dimensions of all iPad originals are 15.7cm wide x 19.7cm high, however, they can be digitally printed to any size desired.